One of the most widely read magazines in the world, The Times, called inflammation the ” silent killer”, and reported the connection between chronic diseases of civilization and inflammation as a scientific sensation. Research has shown that chronic inflammation is a common denominator for diseases of civilization. By treating and preventing chronic inflammation, many problematic public health issues could be remedied, which are also leading causes of death in Hungary.


Our immune system is designed to separate everything that is our own from anything that is alien to us and to ensure the integrity and protection of our bodies against pathogens. Inflammation is a complex response based on the coordinated operation of white blood cells and mediator molecules. Without it, healing from injuries and infections would not be possible. Our immune system is also responsible for removing damaged, degenerated cells from our bodies. Symptoms of inflammation (hyperemia, swelling, heat, pain and loss of function) are the result of tissue reactions given by mediator molecules. Mediator molecules are released from the white blood cells, the cells of the vascular membrane. The main mediators of inflammation are cytokines that trigger and control the cascade-like process of inflammation. The number of white blood cells in the blood, CRP (C reactive protein) is increasing and blood platelets and blood clotting are activated. Chronic low-intensity inflammation is a durable, decades-long form of this process, silently often without symptoms. α, (Tumor NekrózisFaktor) és az IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 (InterLeukin) érdemel különös figyelmet.  Ezek a molekulák indítják be és szabályozzák a gyulladás kaszkádszerű folyamatát. A vérben emelkedik a fehérvérsejtszám, a CRP (C reaktív protein). Aktiválódnak a vérlemezkék és a vér alvadási viszonyai a vérrögképződés irányába tolódnak el. A krónikus alacsony intenzitású gyulladás ennek a folyamatnak a tartós, évtizedeken át tartó formája, mely gyakran némán, tünetek nélkül zajlik.


Atherosclerosis was first confirmed to be an inflammatory process. It is caused by injury or dysfunction of the endothelial (pleural membrane), that can lead to the formation of blood clots causing a heart or cerebral blood vessel disaster and many times, sudden death. Persistent increases in the level of inflammatory markers are indicative of the risk of vascular events.

In terms of obesity, abdominal fat has been found to be the main source of the aforementioned inflammatory mediators, which are responsible for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In addition, in case of obese individuals, malignant tumours occur more frequently, which are also formed as a result of chronic inflammation. Osteoporosis, joint problems and chronic digestive problems, dementia, mood disorder, autoimmune processes, asthma and allergy are all manifestations of inflammation.


Smoking and sedentary lifestyle are the most common causes. In terms of nutrition, too much milk, sugar, processed food and omega6 intake should be highlighted. The lack of micronutrients and omega3 fatty acids due to low vegetable and fish consumption can also aid inflammatory processes. Excessive stress, by adrenal hormones, causes inflammation. Chronic infections (viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites) are also important factors in the body. 


The solution is not to be found in medicines. A diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruit and omega3 fatty acids, accompanied by regular exercise, has been shown to have a beneficial effect against inflammation and in the reduction of the risks of diseases of civilization. Walking 30 minutes a day has also proved to reduce inflammation. Antioxidants also contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. Molecular hydrogen is a special antioxidant, a selective antioxidant, i.e. it does not block the function of a useful free radical in the body. Thus, the immune system does not fall asleep when dealing with an external enemy, nor when it is necessary to carry out internal protection tasks.

Let us introduce you our molecular hydrogen product: Recovery plus Q10 tablets!      Dr. József Erika

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